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Why a Pediatric Belt Cane?

Pediatric Belt Canes are a medically necessary because when you are blind or mobility visually impaired you need physical protection and information to walk. The only way toddlers and young children can get enough tactile feedback in time to safely react is to wear this specially designed white cane.  

Designed for Toddlers

Diagram of the belt cane Image of three items, the biggest is a standard cane frame, black handles, white shafts, red tips, labels read: Magnetic handles with spring action points to the specialty frame handles below as well, carbon fiber shafts with reflective coating, standard frame. Specialty frame looks the same except it is shorter and the tips turn in the standard frame tips point forwards. The belt is below with the Safe Toddles purple and white logo of a capital T with a black dot on top. Labels read structured belt, rubber foam inner layer, fastener, magnet port. Bottom label reads tips with ball bearings and steel plates.

The Pediatric Belt Cane consists of a lightweight rectangular frame that connects with magnets to a custom-made belt. The cane tips slide along the floor providing two points of contact.

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3-year-old girl walking wearing her belt cane.
1-year-old girl standing wearing her belt cane.

"Our blind son Victor started using a Pediatric Belt Cane at 11 months, and it has been a game-changer for him. His doctors said his motor skills would be delayed. They are not!
And we feel so much better knowing that he is safe." - Lisa and Andrew

How to get a Belt Cane

Direct Belt Cane Purchases

Order by 1pm ET and our pediatric belt cane ships same day!


*Pediatric belt cane costs are currently being sold at a subsidized rate

Fully Funded Belt Canes

Parents receive a Belt Cane ($600 value) for their participation in one or more of our research projects. Click for details! 

Medicaid Belt Cane Coverage

The Pediatric Belt Cane is a medical necessity for children with a MVI/B to walk. 

Equipment Suppliers (get a 10% discount) 

Agency Belt Cane Purchase

Safe Toddles, sole source of Belt Canes, accepts purchase orders and completes paperwork needed by your organization.

Pediatric Belt Canes

Are a medical necessity for toddlers with a mobility visual impairment or blindness to walk.

2-year-old girl wears belt cane and looks back over her shoulder at the camera.

*We are committed to providing Belt Canes at no cost to children! Receive a fully funded Pediatric Belt Cane and access to our expert support with participation in one of our grant funded projects.

Give Safe Independence

Every dollar supports families in keeping their children with a mobility visual impairment or blindness safe as they explore and learn. Belt Canes are a blind baby's first white cane and are medically necessary for them to walk as they provide protection and information needed to safely move about their world.

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