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Grace Ambrose-Zaken
May 22, 2020
Wearing pediatric belt canes encourages independent walking in Blind 2-year-old
Toddlers who are blind need effective mobility tools for safe mobility, because safe self-locomotion skills are essential for language...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
May 14, 2020
Effect of Pediatric Belt Cane on Number of Independent Steps taken by one-year-old girl with ONH
Children who are unable to visually detect obstacles, drop-offs, and changes in surface have a mobility visual impairment (MVI)...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
May 6, 2020
Benefits of Belt Cane for 3-year-old with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
Justine McBride, M.S.Ed., TVI & Grace Ambrose-Zaken Children with mobility visual impairment (MVI) are unable to visually avoid...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Apr 13, 2020
CVI or MVI? Exploring the path to gross motor delays
In thirty minutes we see how a 3-year-old girl with CVI improves gross motor, language and cane skills.

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Apr 1, 2020
An Illustrated guide to homemade belt canes
I was riding on the subway on Monday, November 3, 2014 mulling over the needs of children with visual impairment and blindness. The early...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Mar 15, 2020
Blind toddlers taught us about their gross motor delays
We too are worried with the world about the Covid-19 epidemic and we are sincerely hoping for a speedy cure. We have faith in and are...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Mar 8, 2020
Toddlers taught us everything we know about belt canes
We made a lot of assumptions about how blind and mobility visually impaired toddlers would respond to belt canes. This is a list of ten...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Mar 3, 2020
Comparing visual and tactile path preview
What happens when a driver takes her eyes off the road? When she looks up she might jerk her head back and quickly turn the steering...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Feb 20, 2020
The Pediatric Belt Cane Encourages Cane Control
I recently posted a video of a concept lesson with a blind two year old girl, Charna, on Facebook. While most of the feedback was...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Feb 13, 2020
Why are belt canes free?
Raison d’etre. Pediatric belt canes dramatically improve the lives of children who are mobility visually impaired or blind (MVI/B)....

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Feb 5, 2020
Does the cane have a spot?
There is sign at my dentist’s office that reads- only floss the teeth you want to keep – of course, I want to keep all my teeth – clearly...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Jan 29, 2020
Children with MVI/B who wear belt canes achieve gross motor milestones 18-months and higher
This video is a series of short clips showing one, two and three year old children who are blind or have tunnel vision wearing their...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Jan 22, 2020
Pediatric Devices are Made to Fit Children’s Abilities
The first known, dedicated wheelchair was invented in 1595 for Phillip II of Spain. By 1956, motorized wheelchairs were being mass...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Jan 15, 2020
When is Silence a Negative Sign?
There is a need to tackle another aspect of preschoolers' tears, the lack of tears in response to collisions. The reason Safe Toddles is...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Jan 8, 2020
When is crying a positive sign?
In 1993, I was a doctoral student at Vanderbilt University, Peabody College. I went there to study orientation and mobility (O&M) under...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Jan 1, 2020
To seek a Solution, First You Must Identify the Problem
Just this week I was once again asked by orientation and mobility Facebook group members, to once again prove the thesis that children...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Dec 11, 2019
How far have we come?
This black and white photo was published in New Outlook for the Blind in September 1967.The picture is of a preschooler boy who is blind...

Beaux Jettson
Nov 27, 2019
Safe Toddles Boxing Video
We put together this video to show how much care and attention is paid to each wearable cane being packed for shipping. We have shipped...

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
Nov 21, 2019
Before and after wearable cane
Your donations to Safe Toddles allow Akira to feel safe enough to learn Akira is three years old and blind. First photo: Akira was...
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