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"Safe Toddles' mission is to provide parents with a white cane solution for keeping their toddlers who are blind safe as they explore to learn."

Grace Ambrose-Zaken
President & CEO
Dr. Grace Ambrose-Zaken is the leading expert on early walking and safety for learners with mobility visual impairment or blindness. She recently retired Orientation and Mobility professor, she is credited with developing Hunter College of The City University of New York's Hybrid Distance Learning Orientation and Mobility program. Her published and unpublished research resulted in being the first to identify the need for a wearable white cane for parents to use with their blind babies. She created the first ever working Belt Cane prototype. She co-founded Safe Toddles in 2016.

Marom Bikson
Board Chair
Professor Marom Bikson is Harold Shames Professor of Biomedical Engineering at The City College of New York (CCNY) of the City University of New York (CUNY) and co-director of the Neural Engineering Group at the New York Center for Biomedical Engineering. He has published over 400 papers and book chapters and is inventor on over 50 patent applications. He is known for his work on brain targeting with electrical stimulation, cellular physiology of electric effects, and electrical safety. Bikson coinvented High-Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS), the first noninvasive, targeted, and low-intensity neuromodulation technology. He consults for medical technology companies and regulatory agencies on the design, validation, and certification of medical instrumentation. Bikson is cofounder of Soterix Medical Inc., Safe Toddles 501(c)(3), and Neuromodec NYC Neuromodulation.

Janie Blome
Board Vice-Chair
Janie Blome is the co-founder of the Getting Touch with Literacy conference, the world renown, largest conference on the literacy needs of learners with visual impairment or blindness. She was the Executive Director of Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired a professional membership organization dedicated to professionals serving people who are blind or who have low vision. She was Director of Field Services American Printing House for the Blind overseeing a dynamic team of professionals who ensured learners with visual impairment or blindness around the United States received the materials they needed to fully access their education. Janie began her career in early education of learners with visual impairment. She continues to be a fierce advocate for the needs of children born with visual impairment or blindness. Janie is a sought-after speaker and presenter.

Mary Beth Calhoon
Board Secretary
Mary Beth Calhoon, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Miami. Her primary area of expertise focuses on literacy, mathematics, peer-tutoring, and Date-Based Instruction for K-12 classrooms. Professor Calhoon has been Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, or Investigator on multiple federal and state funded research grants in the area of literacy for adolescents with and at-risk for reading disabilities. Dr. Calhoon is the author of numerous articles published in highly reputed journals including, Reading and Writing an Interdisciplinary Journal, Learning Disabilities Quarterly, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Assessment for Effective Interventions, Remedial and Special Education, Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, Annals of Dyslexia, IDA Perspectives, and Journal of Direct Instruction. She has been an editor of special issues; Annals of Dyslexia, Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, and Learning Disability Quarterly, and member of multiple editorial boards.

Nick Mueller
Board Member
Professor Gordon H. “Nick” Mueller is an American historian and Founding President and CEO Emeritus of The National WWII Museum, located in New Orleans. He served as President of the museum until 2017. He was Vice Chancellor at the University of New Orleans. The National WWII Museum is ranked by TripAdvisor users as No. 3 among American museums and No. 8 among museums worldwide. His exceptional contributions to the preservation and interpretation of WWII history and his special contributions to public awareness of the D-Day landings in Normandy have resulted in numerous awards, including the French government’s Legion of Honor, which in May 2016 was bestowed on him.

Joyelle Harris
Board Member
Dr. Joyelle “Joy” Harris, Ph.D., MBA, is an engineer and educator at Georgia Tech. She is also part-time Executive Director of the Council of Schools and Services for the Blind, a collection of schools and agencies whose mission is to educate and serve children who are blind or visually impaired. As Executive Director, she oversees their strategic planning, marketing, grant writing, business development, and leadership development. At Georgia Tech, she is the Director of Undergraduate Transformative Learning Initiatives in the Office of Undergraduate Education. In this role, she focuses on closing equity gaps, lowering barriers, and increasing access to all opportunities within undergraduate education. Dr. Harris also serves as faculty director for the Engineering for Social Innovation (ESI) Center, where she creates the space for students to use their technical skills to make a social impact. Dr. Harris was recently appointed the Director of Women in Engineering for the College of Engineering (CoE) where she serves those who are underrepresented throughout CoE. She serves and celebrates diverse learners by providing equitable access to the best educational experience. She is skilled in Data Analysis, Electrical Engineering, Strategic Planning, Program Design, and Non-profit management.

June Allison
Board Member
June is an Extended Content Special Education teacher. June is a graduate student at North Carolina Central University in Special Education for teacher of the visually impaired and orientation and mobility. She is the mother of 6 children, one of whom has Cortical Visual Impairment. June searched the web for answers for her son, Caeden. When she learned of the Pediatric Belt Cane she advocated for its use for her son and many other North Carolinians. She joined a group of professionals who regularly speak at conferences and meetings about the benefits of the Belt Cane.

Ishani Bakshi
Research Intern
Ishani Bakshi is a rising junior from the Edison High STEM Academy. At Safe Toddles, she enjoys assisting research on the effects of Belt Canes on blind children's gait, leveraging python based media analysis. Outside of the organization, she can be found conducting environmental research and advocacy in NJ, competing in Model UN, or just curling up with a good book.
Cpt. Paul Chong
Medical Resident in Ophthalmology
Paul Chong is doing his residency training in ophthalmology at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He engages in clinical informatics research activities with a concentration in image data analysis and machine learning solutions in collaboration with institutions ranging from The University of Colorado School of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, and the Vision Center of Excellence."
Dr. Robert Enzenauer
Pediatric Ophthalmologist Ophthalmology Professor
Dr. Robert W. Enzenauer, MD, MPH, MBA, MSS, is chief of the Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology at Children’s Hospital Colorado, Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Enzenauer completed two residencies, one in pediatrics and another in ophthalmology, and then a fellowship in pediatric ophthalmology. He also earned a master’s in public health in epidemiology as well as a master’s in strategic studies and a Master’s of Business Administration. He belongs to dozens of community and professional groups and serves on numerous committees. He’s been awarded 16 major military awards and decorations and dozens of academic honors. He’s published more than 100 articles in various medical journals and makes presentations at medical conferences several times a year. He’s contributed chapters to five books and lead-authored one of his own, “Functional Ophthalmologic Disorders.”
Professor Anne L. Corn
Expert in Low Vision Research and Practice
Professor Anne L. Corn, Ed.D., is professor emerita of Vanderbilt University and researcher at the University of Cincinnati's ophthalmology department. In 2012, she was inducted into the Texas Women's Hall of Fame in recognition of the positive impact she has had for many thousands of students who are blind and visually impaired and their teachers throughout Texas, across the United States and around the world.
Anne Corn is a visionary within the field of blindness and visual impairment. She has worked as an educator, researcher and advocate. Her groundbreaking contributions in low vision have changed the way children born with visual impairments are educated. She is and will forever be celebrated for her work bringing low vision devices into the classrooms of elementary, middle and high school students to allow them immediate access to their visual environment.
She has served on the boards of multiple organizations, including Prevent Blindness Texas. Safe Toddles is so proud to welcome Professor Anne Leslie Corn as an honorary board member! She brings to Safe Toddles a wealth of knowledge in the field of visual impairment, important experience in nonprofit work and a true belief in our mission – so much so she helped us to craft Safe Toddles’ mission statement which reads: To provide parents with a white cane solution for keeping their blind toddlers safe as they explore to learn.

Sylvia Stinson Perez
Vision Rehabilitation CEO
Sylvia is the Executive Director/CEO at VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired. She is a dynamic innovative executive in the blindness/low vision field and a national expert in service delivery, agency management and leadership training. Sylvia has dedicated her career to improving the lives of people with a visual impairment. Her vast experience includes leadership roles at the Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired and Blind, the National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision at Mississippi State University, and the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB). As an inspiring leader and innovative strategist, Sylvia is known for her collaborative approach and advocacy for high-quality vision rehabilitation services, equity, and inclusion. Her lived experience as a person who is blind adds a unique and valuable perspective to her role. She serves on the Boards of the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals (ACVREP), and Success Beyond Sight. She is a member of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) Organizations and Schools Accreditation Council; And as a content writer and podcast cohost with Bold Blind Beauty and occasionally with Cooking Without Looking. Sylvia is a sought-after speaker and presenter.
Kirk Adams
Organization and DEI Consultant
Kirk independent consulting business Innovative Impact LLC is his most recent venture. He is a preeminent leader in the field of blindness and longtime champion of people who are blind or visually impaired is committed to creating a more inclusive, accessible world for the more than 20 million Americans with visual impairment or blindness. He has consulted with top leadership at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and other high-profile tech-oriented companies to discuss topics ranging from product and digital accessibility to civil and disability rights, as well as key leaders in sectors that include finance, public policy, and non-profits. As the president and chief executive officer of the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), he led AFB in a new and innovative direction through developing strategic relationships with peers, policymakers, employers, and other influencers. Dr. Adams also served as president and CEO of The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc., where his work involved providing independence and self-sufficiency through employment for people who are blind. He also served as a member of AFB’s board of trustees.
Bob Sonnenberg
Nonprofit Leadership
Bob recently retired from CEO, Earle Baum Center of the Blind (Chris Kittredge photo). He has more than 30 years of experience in finance, development, and investments, including operating my his brokerage and insurance business and manufacturing business. Prior to joining Earle Baum Center, he served for more than 10 years as Associate Director of Planned Giving and Major Donor Officer for Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Constance Engelstad
Organizational Development
Constance Engelstad is President The Shaman Group, Inc. and for over 29 years a human resources and organizational development consulting firm. She has held leadership positions in non-profit and for-profit sectors. She retired from her position as SVP, Administration at the Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. She has provided services to the American Foundation for the Blind, Inc. (AFB), National Industries for the Blind, Inc. (NIB) and many of its affiliated agencies, and the American Foundation for the Blind, Inc. She contributed to the book, “The Mission-Driven Organization”. She served as a mentor to numerous blind professionals in NIB’s Business Management Training (BMT) program. Among other many projects, her work brought awareness of the technology capabilities of blind people to the tech world and significantly increased the number of people with disabilities hired by big tech. Her efforts resulted in improved access to computer applications by people with disabilities. She is a highly sought after consultant who assists organizations in successful strategic planning, OD, HR spaces in support those organizations and their clients. She provides Organizational Development and Human Resources (OD/HR) consulting within the non-profit, blindness, disability employment and for-profit fields.
Cheryl Roe
Social Enterprise Strategist
Cheryl is a Social Enterprise Strategist, Leader, and a Disruptor. She has 25 years’ nonprofit experience. She retired from role as President for InterConnection, based in Seattle, WA. she was responsible for governance and operational oversight working closely with the Board of Directors managing all facets of the enterprise. This included directing strategies that supported both bottom lines and expand program development, future growth, as well as the control of current assets and expenditures, the sustainability of the enterprise and the fulfillment of the mission. Her strengths are leadership and management skills and ability to guide and develop a diverse staff.
Brent Weichers
Manufacturing and Distribution
Brent has extensive experience with the Toyota Production System and Danaher as a Lean and Six Sigma Sensei. A Master Black Belt in Toyota Production System, he is a change management expert with a keen ability to pinpoint areas for improvement, lead teams through multi-phased initiatives, and deliver measurable and sustainable results. He is a continuous Improvement Director for North America Responsible for all sites (7) in North America, assisting them to build meaningful measures to grow the business. His specialties include conducting Whitebelt and Greenbelt Training programs, leading Kaizen activities, develop and train Lean principles to all levels of an organization. Including design cell layouts, product flow, and automate the Standard Work process
Roxann Mayros
Nonprofit Consultant
Roxann Mayros is a nonprofit consultant. Her experience included Executive Director of the Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Florida where she got the first blind babies bill passed for statewide funding. She began Vision Serve Alliance which now bestows the Roxann Mayros Champion award. She brings expertise in creating collaborative partnerships, organizational management and growth, board governance, fund development, public relations, communications, and policy/grass-roots advocacy. She holds certifications, and degrees in business and nonprofit management.
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