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CVI Perkins Conference: Update

Beaux Jettson

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

Dr. Grace Ambrose-Zaken, President & CEO of Safe Toddles, is pictured below in front of the Safe Toddles' Exhibitor's booth during the 2024 CVI conference hosted by Perkins School for the Blind The CVI Center. Dr. Ambrose-Zaken attended 2024's CVI Perkins Conference to present a paper she co-authored with Pediatric Ophthalmologists' Dr. Robert Enzenauer and Dr. Paul Chong describing their research on improved gait outcomes in children with CVI.

Thank you Perkins for this commemorative photo of our booth in action!!

We appreciate all Perkins School does to bring the latest adapted technology to families. You are bright shining star for families on the journey of growing up with blindness or mobility visual impairment including CVI.

THE CVI CENTER Perkins School for the Blind picture of Dr. Grace Ambrose-Zaken in front of the Safe Toddles Pediatric Belt Canes booth with the tag line Give a head start to Independence to all toddlers. We are giving thanks fo rour CVI Conference supporters like you! Thank you for your support of our 2024 CVI Conference Building Meaningful Recognition Because of you, we have powered a movement in truly recognize the leading cause of childhood (photo snip cuts off)

Pediatric Belt Canes bring safety to babies learning to walk with CVI. Belt canes protect and keep babies with CVI safe.

  • Donate a Belt Cane to a family because they are medically necessary for babies with blindness or mobility visual impairment to walk.

  • Donate a Belt Cane to a family so they can experience the joy of watching their baby born with CVI’s first steps grow more confident and capable every day.

  • Donate a Belt Cane to give needy families the solution they need to improve their baby with CVI’s development through safe independence.

Safe Toddles is a nonprofit making walking safer for babies with CVI. You can help!

Donate a Belt Cane to a child with CVI today go to or call 845-244-6600


Ambrose-Zaken, G., Chong, P. Enzenauer, R., (2024). Comparative video gait

analysis of assistance for children with cerebral visual impairment (CVI).

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 65(7):2579.



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