1. Lose wait!
Yes, we spelled that correctly – we are going to be working extra hard in 2021 to find ways to improve our manufacturing to speed up time between order and delivery! We know boys like 8-year-old Marley, who is blind and fears walking independently, cannot lose another day to unsafe mobility.

2. Meet New People!
The more people we can connect the greater numbers of children with visual impairment and blindness we can provide canes for!

3. Learn a new language!
Find new ways to communicate about pediatric belt canes. To fulfill our mission, we must be better at helping folks to understand that the single purpose of Safe Toddles is making life kinder for blind children – our mission is to provide toddlers who are blind with a solution for walking safely— a pediatric belt cane for clear path detection.

4. Become more social!
Provide more useful content for professionals and families. Offer more workshops and opportunities to learn more about pediatric belt canes. Reach out to providers across the world. Let them know there is a safe mobility solution for toddlers and preschoolers with VI and it works!

5. Start writing a book/blog, podcast!
We will work to add useful content to help universities, families and professionals find this safe mobility solution. Every child who is blind or visually impaired that wants to walk and run needs equal access to path information.

Please help us keep our New Year's Resolutions! Tell us what you need from us- we are here to help!
Team Safe Toddles