Attention Parents and Professionals:
Safe Toddles Pediatric Belt Cane is the only device in the world that keeps blind babies safe when they walk. Study after study has shown that without safety, blind babies often do not walk unless holding a hand and many never let go. Safe mobility is a medical necessity for infants to walk.
When blind infants are given Pediatric Belt Canes, they walk, they run, they explore, and most importantly, they feel safe and loved. A recent study revealed that before wearing a Belt Cane, children aged one to four years spent 65% of their time sitting quietly. The same children wearing Belt Canes spent 78% of their time walking and playing (Penrod, et. al., 2024). Kids learn everything on the move.
Last year, your prior donations led to a 40% increase in children using Pediatric Belt Canes and we need to do that again this year. That’s why during this summer we’re asking you to Make Every Day Independence Day by contributing to our fundraising drive. We’re asking you to donate to help families who need support to get a Belt Cane. Make your donation today to help kids waiting for their first Safe Toddles Belt Cane and our essential Belt Cane support services. (To Donate click paragraph
Our mission at Safe Toddles is to provide parents with a white cane solution for keeping their babies born blind safe as they explore. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to explore the world around them as independently as possible, and we are committed to making that a reality for blind children everywhere. We share our video Independence Day Every Day! that highlights many of the children who are now walking because of wearing Belt Canes Watch Video
We are proud of the breakthroughs we have made so far. But there is so much more work to do. Safe Toddles staff work tirelessly to reach every infant whose life would forever be changed for the better if only the Safe Toddles’ Belt Cane was available to them as they begin their journey. Tens of thousands of blind babies live in a world without safety. We are working tirelessly to improve the lives of every one of them. It is our goal to provide the Safe Toddles’ Belt Cane and necessary supports to ensure every child born blind can walk independently and safely, and enhance their early childhood development, like their sighted peers, whether their parents can afford to purchase it or not! Our Belt Cane changes the lives of babies born blind!
Will you be a champion and support Safe Toddles’ efforts to improve children with disabilities’ lives? All donations will put a Safe Toddles’ Belt Cane on children in need to give them the medically necessary device they need to walk and to learn to live independent lives.
Please give another child like Sophie-Grace a head start to independence. Sophie-Grace, pictured, was called timid and shy before getting her Belt Cane. She seemed always wanting to hold mom’s hand, instead of joining in on the fun. Now, wearing her protective white cane, she is a bold explorer, tackling challenging playscapes on her own. Donate to Safe Toddles so toddlers who need extra protection from obstacles they can’t see, but can feel with their cane frame, can finally get the safety they need to start their journeys to independence!
Here’s how your donation will make a difference in the life of babies born blind:
A monthly donation of $19 a month would ensure that as a child grows, they are provided a new Belt Cane set annually.
A one-time donation of $50 provides the materials used to construct the custom belt
A one-time donation of $100 provides a complete set of graphite cane rods
A one-time donation of $600 is the cost of a complete Belt Cane with wrap around supports!
Larger donations and gifts can provide Safe Toddles’ Belt Canes to even more toddlers in need. Your generous gift of any amount will forever contribute to enriching the life of a toddler born blind– your gift will literally help them start traveling safely down the path of life! The Belt Cane is the only mobility tool that addresses the diversity, equity, and inclusion needs of babies born blind.
Help us help blind babies like Sophie-Grace to walk safely just as their sighted friends do by making your donation today. Safe Toddles is a 501(c)(3) organization, your donation is tax deductible. Most of our funding comes from supporters like you.
Your life-changing gift today will help put the world’s only proven blind toddler safe mobility device in the hands of blind babies tomorrow so they can travel safely and act their age every day. Watching our video will show you the impact your gift will have on the life of blind babies. To see more videos of blind babies succeeding, go to @SafeToddles on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Thank you for your continued support of Safe Toddles. We could not do this work without you. To watch our video the link is
Dr. Grace Ambrose-Zaken, President & CEO
Roxann Mayros, Board Chair
Safe Toddles 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization