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Join Pediatric Belt Cane panel discussion Today!

Beaux Jettson

Today's the day! Learn about the benefits of the Pediatric Belt Cane from five Early Intervention and O&M Specialists; Geri Darko, Montana School for the Blind, Great Falls, Montana, Marjie Wood, Austin, Texas, Michelle Horseman Lighthouse for the Blind and Low Vision, Winterhaven, FL, and Katie Griffin and Tina Mekeel from Vision Forward, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The represent the four corners of the USA and among them they have provided Pediatric Belt Canes to over fifty children from ages ten months to thirteen years. They use them with absolute assurance that the Pediatric Belt Cane is the only device their students used effectively for protection and information as they learned to master their activities of daily living.

A flyer for the International O&M 2025 Online Symposium Presenter Spotlight Bonus Presentation Geri Darko, Marjie Wood, Katie Griffin, Michelle Horseman, Tina Mekeel - The Pediatric Belt Cane : A Consideration for the O&M ToolBox headshots of the five white middle-aged women.



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