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Make a donation, make a difference.

Beaux Jettson

Give blind toddlers a brand-new way to walk and explore their world. Your gift provides Pediatric Belt Canes at no cost to families in need. Recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Pediatric Belt Cane is a necessary safety tool that empowers blind toddlers in to walk and explore their world safely and with more independence. As little as $24 a month ensures blind toddlers grow up with a new medically necessary Pediatric Belt Cane every year. Donate today at the link or click the photo below.

side-by-side photos on left a therapists shields the child with CVI as she walks with wide based gait on right she stands erect, confident and independently wearing her Belt Cane.
Walking with independent safety 3-year-old with CVI is now confident to explore.



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