Safe Toddles trusts parents’ instincts! Parents instinctively want to protect their blind babies while also encouraging them to walk confidently without holding their hand.
For toddlers born blind, safe independence is now possible. Thanks to the Safe Toddles Pediatric Belt Cane, blind toddlers now have a safety tool that allows them to be independently mobile and safe as they explore to learn.
Braylen was born with CHARGE syndrome and is blind, deaf, and balanced challenged. He was 3.5 years old and not yet walking on his own.
MISSION ACCEPTED get Braylen walking independently.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. After 2 months, Braylen walked independently and safely without holding anyone's hand.
Braylen's video shows how his therapists achieved their mission. Watch Video
MISSION POSSIBLE: Help blind toddlers walk safely every day and everywhere independent of a guide’s arm by wearing their pediatric belt canes.
This Year End Fundraising Campaign is called Mission Possible (To Donate just click sentence or go to www.safetoddles.org/donatetoday).
Will you be a champion and support Safe Toddles’ efforts to improve children with disabilities’ lives? Your donation will put a Safe Toddles’ Belt Cane on a toddler who is blind and provide the wrap around services they need to learn to safely explore independently.
Please help every family in need achieve their mission of safe independence for their blind baby. Donate to Safe Toddles so toddlers who are blind can be free to let go and explore with safety! Here’s how your donation will make a difference in the life of toddlers who are blind:
A monthly donation of $25 would ensure that as a child grows, they are provided a new belt cane set annually. To safely walk independently
A one-time donation of $100 provides a the wrap around services a blind baby needs to thrive wearing their belt canes.
A one-time donation of $250 provides a replacement belt and frames when children outgrow their starter belt canes.
A one-time donation of $300 provides a fully funded Complete Belt Cane Set with all wrap around services to a blind baby in need.
Larger donations can provide Safe Toddles’ Belt Canes to even more toddlers in need. Your generous gift of any amount will forever contribute to enriching the life of a toddler who is blind. Your gift helps them start traveling safely down the path of life.
The Belt Cane is the only mobility tool that addresses the diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility needs of blind toddlers. Children with blindness or mobility visual impairment, including those with cortical visual impairment from 10 months to 11 years have shown their eagerness to walk on their own once their families provide them with the power of independent safety. Watch this video to see the highlights of many of the children who have benefited by wearing belt canes.
We are proud of the work we have done so far; our belt cane has already made the lives of 1000s of toddlers who are blind safer to explore. But there is so much more work to do. Safe Toddles’ staff work tirelessly to reach every toddler whose life would forever be changed for the better if only the Safe Toddles’ Belt Cane was available to them. Thousands of toddlers remain unserved and unsafe.
We are working tirelessly to increase our ability to reach parents.
EVERY PARENT NEEDS TO KNOW that a real safety solution exists for their blind babies. It is our goal to provide the Safe Toddles’ Belt Cane and wrap around supports to every toddler who is blind in the world. Wearing the belt cane allows blind toddlers to feel safe as they reach their independent walking potential. Independent walking essential to early childhood development, that's why we need to make sure blind toddlers get belt canes whether their parents can afford to purchase them or not!
Help us help blind children like Braylen to safely walk independently just as his sighted friends do by making your donation today. Safe Toddles is a 501(c)(3) organization, your donation is tax deductible.
Most of our funding comes from supporters like you. Your life-changing gift today will help put the world’s only proven blind toddler mobility device in the hands of blind toddlers so they can travel safely and play like other children their age. Watching Braylen's video will show you the impact your gift can have on the life of blind toddlers.
You can see more videos of Braylen and other belt cane users on all our social media platforms @SafeToddles.
Thank you for your support of Safe Toddles Nonprofit!! We exist to make sure all families of blind toddlers benefit from this one and only white cane safety solution for their blind toddlers.
Thank you and Happy New Year! We have a lot to look forward to!
Roxann Mayros,
Chair, Safe Toddles Board