Schools and Agency Professionals

Safe Toddles' Pediatric Belt Canes
Pediatric belt canes consist of a set of one belt and two cane frames (an everyday frame and a tight spaces frame). Each belt cane set is custom made to fit the dimensions and needs of each child. Production and materials cane set costs equal $625.
Recent donations have enabled us to offset these costs for a limited number of canes to a reduced price of $180 per cane set for professionals.
1. To purchase - $180* per cane set - cane ships approx three to five weeks. *Limited quantity of reduced cost cane sets available

Free Canes - We are committed providing free canes to any child in need, because belt canes are essential safety equipment that enables toddlers with visual impairments to develop to their full potential.
Option one- provide videos and feedback - free cane ships in two to three months.​
Option two- free cane - free cane ships in four to six months.​
To complete order submit shipping Information and child's measurements:
​ Height:
Floor to shoulder size range is 20" to 36".
Hip width:
(hip to hip) size range is 6" to 9"
(The hip to hip measurement is obtained using a ruler (not a measuring tape).
Waist size:
Waist circumference -size range is 17" to 25".​​​
Easy steps
​1. Identify students who would benefit from wearing belt canes using the nonverbal mobility visual impairment assessment.
2. Measure students: Hip width, waist circumference and height to shoulder.
3. To purchase the belt cane use the yellow Buy Now button or request a price quote.